January 9, 2018 Validating a 14-Drug Microtiter Plate Containing Bedaquiline and Delamanid for Large-Scale Research Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
January 6, 2018 Selection of and evidentiary considerations for wearable devices and their measurements for use in regulatory decision making: recommendations from the ePRO Consortium
January 6, 2018 Informing the tolerability of cancer treatments using patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures: summary of an FDA and Critical Path Institute workshop
January 6, 2018 Genetic sequencing for surveillance of drug resistance in tuberculosis in highly endemic countries: a multi-country population-based surveillance study
January 1, 2018 Development of a symptom-focused patient-reported outcome measure for functional dyspepsia: the Functional Dyspepsia Symptom Diary (FDSD)
December 22, 2017 Application of a Dynamic Map for Learning, Communicating, Navigating, and Improving Therapeutic Development
December 22, 2017 A Dynamic Map for Learning, Communicating, Navigating and Improving Therapeutic Development
December 8, 2017 Model-Informed Biomarker Qualification: Alzheimer and Parkinson Disease Imaging Biomarkers
December 8, 2017 Characterizing Disease Progression for Parkinson’s Disease to implement efficient trial designs