January 4, 2016 Host-Directed Therapies for Infectious Diseases: Current Status, Recent Progress, and Future Prospects
January 4, 2016 Qualitative development and content validity of the non–small cell lung cancer symptom assessment questionnaire (NSCLC-SAQ), A patient-reported outcome instrument
January 3, 2016 Clinical outcome assessment in malignant glioma trials: measuring signs, symptoms, and functional limitations
December 31, 2015 Evaluation of the Relative Performance of Drug-Induced Skeletal Muscle Injury Biomarkers in Rats
December 6, 2015 Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Instrument to Assess Complex Activities of Daily Living and Interpersonal Functioning in Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Qualitative Research Phase
December 3, 2015 Ensuring Equivalence of Electronic and Paper Administration of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures This webinar provides an overview of scientific and regulatory considerations when migrating paper-based patient-reported outcome
October 15, 2015 Coalition Against Major Diseases and FDA 2015 Annual Scientific Workshop October 15, 2015 FDA White Oak Campus CO-SPONSORED BY: Critical Path Institute U.S. Food and Drug Administration Overview and Obje
July 8, 2015 Applying Regulatory Science to Develop Safe and Effective Medicines for Neonates Offringa M, Davis JM, Turner MA, Ward R, Bax R, Maldonado S, Sinha V, McCune SK, Zajicek A, Daniel K. Benjamin J, Bucci-Rechtweg C
June 26, 2015 Patient-Centered Research To Support The Development Of The Symptoms Of Major Depressive Disorder Scale (SMDDS): Initial Qualitative Research